Well + Good: Actress Tiffany Daniels on the Secrets to Staying Fit After 35

Well + Good: Actress Tiffany Daniels on the Secrets to Staying Fit After 35
Tiffany Daniels

Actress Tiffany Daniels. Image: Maggie Zulovic Photography.

Dancer, producer and actress, Tiffany Daniels has been all over our TV screens as well as on the stages of Broadway. Currently starring on Nickelodeon’s comedy series That Girl Lay Lay, the actress is also an avid fitness buff. When she’s not on set, she can be found in the gym or teaching residents of Los Angeles how to get fit with her sold-out, packed spin classes at Trufusion West Hollywood.

For her, working out is about being strong, and she credits her healthy vegan diet and consistent exercise routine for looking fit and fabulous over 40. We recently caught up with Daniels to get insight on how she remains well and good in her busy career.

Tiffany Daniels in the gym. Image: courtesy of TD Fitness.

EBONY: Why is maintaining a healthy lifestyle important to you, and how do you define that?

Tiffany Daniels: I was fortunate enough to discover my passion at an early age, but it took me a while to understand that I could turn that passion into a career. Once I made the decision and commitment to pursue my dreams of being an artist, I knew that it was going to require a lot of strength—mentally and physically. In my eyes, a healthy lifestyle is defined as the “preservation of my temple.” I have been blessed with this one body and this one life, and I want to live it to the fullest. I am diligent about what I eat, where I go, how I move, where I place my time, energy, and focus, as well as who I share that time with.

What do you typically eat for a meal? What foods do you recommend we have on our plates?

I have been plant-based for about 10 years, and living in Los Angeles provides an endless array of deliciousness across all of my meals. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and typically includes a probiotic cashew yogurt parfait with gluten-free granola, strawberries, blueberries and cinnamon. I love a Just Egg veggie scramble with 2 Beyond breakfast sausages on the side. Oh, and a Clevr Adaptogen Matcha Latte to go. My 2nd meal is typically a large homemade salad with a ton of fresh veggies (cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers), chickpeas, chopped walnuts, olive oil and balsamic glaze. If I feel like I am needing more protein throughout my day, I use a plant-based protein powder in a smoothie.

Veggies, Veggies, Veggies are always my number one recommendation to fill your body with everything that it needs in a day. It’s about shifting your mindset to be health focused for longevity, rather than temporarily satisfied with less healthy options.

Could you share tips for those over 35 (men and women) on how to counteract metabolism issues to reach fitness goals?

As I have transitioned into my 40s, I’m observing the natural changes my body experiences. Things that seemed to work even just a few years ago have shifted, and I am constantly discovering what it means for my body to continue aging with grace. However, there are a few staples that never seem to go out of style in the aging conversation. Sleep will always be at the top of my list. Life is gonna life, and we never know what the day has in store for us, but we owe it to our minds and physical bodies the time to rest, regenerate and prepare for whatever comes next.

Weight-lifting builds strong bodies, keeps our metabolism working in our benefit and keeps us closer to that youthful physique that we all chase as we age.

Also, fasting is something that I have newly incorporated into my regime to assist in my gut health. I like to give my digestive system the rest and relaxation it deserves as well.

What are your top 3 favorite workouts or exercises currently? 

I am obsessed with fitness and some would say addicted to that sweat! I love a variety of workouts, and I am sure to schedule a wide range throughout my week. But if I had to pick my top 3 favorites right now, they would be spin class for cardio, tricep kickbacks with a heavy weight, and heavy hip thrusters for glutes. The triceps are a very difficult area for women to build muscle, and getting into a consistent habit of working that muscle will help eliminate the sagging skin in the tricep area as we age.

Tiffany Daniels’ tricep kickback routine

  • Grab a 15-lb weight (or one that feels heavy to you)
  • Hinge at the hips, holding a dumbbell in each hand at a 90-degree angle.
    • Keeping elbows close to your side, extend arms and dumbbells behind you. Do not lock arms out all the way. You want to keep tension on the muscle.
      • Return your arm and the dumbbells to the starting 90-degree position.
        • Repeat 15 times. 3 rounds total.

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