Koya Webb Helps Us Find Zen With These New Year Self-Care Rituals

Holistic health coach, Koya Webb, has helped some of our favorite people find their highest state of zen. From P. Diddy and Stevie Wonder to India Arie, Webb’s approach to wellness is a frequency we all could use this year. On her social media platforms, she’s always offering fans and followers inspiring daily affirmations, healthy plant-based recipes to try, as well as tips for taking their yoga practice to the next level.

As we continue to stick to our “new year, new me” plans, EBONY spoke with Koya Webb about easy—but sometimes overlooked—self-care rituals that we should be including in our routines. The celebrity coach, a brand ambassador for Sunsweet, also provides healthy food tips and recipes on her platforms as well. So, if you’re looking for a little inspo from a pro, here are a few things that Webb suggest you try.

Make Hydration a Priority

We’ve heard this time and time again, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it again: drink your water daily.

“Hydration should be at the top of your list. Make sure you have 32 ounces in the morning. It really does help you cleanse and detox during the winter months, when we’re eating all the things,” says Webb. “Put it on your bedside table. That way when you wake up, you have it right there to drink.”

Go Outside

As temps drop, we tend to retreat to our homes and indoor spaces. But, what we often overlook is this also can cause us—especially as Black and Brown people—to see a significant decline in our vitamin D intake, which we often get from the sun.

“I know it may be cold, but put on your jacket and get outside for a few minutes when you can,” says Koya Webb. “Of course, I don’t recommend this when it’s freezing, but it’s so important to get that sun. Go for a hike, just get that time in nature.”

Incorporate 5-minutes of Daily Breath Work Into Your Routine

It never fails, as soon as we wake up, we’re immediately thinking about what’s on our plate for the day. We’re reaching for devices to check calendars or even the news, but we forget to take a few minutes to set our intention for the day.

“Wake up, and take 10 deep breaths,” advises Webb. “It will set the tone for your day and allow you to be more vibrational.”

Consider Prunes for Added Energy Boosts

If you grew up in the 80s or 90s, your mother or grandmother likely made you drink prune juice on occasion to flush your body. While the memories may be traumatic, the celeb health coach says as adults, prunes give us an added boost of energy to push through our day.

“In addition to my morning water, I also like to drink my prune juice to start my day. I suggest starting with just 1 ounce to see how your body reacts, and then slowly increase your intake over time. I also like to snack on whole prunes to keep that energy boost going, typically midday,” says the Sunsweet prunes’ ambassador.

Get Into Yoga

If you’re new to practicing yoga, it can be a little intimidating, especially watching expert yogis bend and stretch their bodies so easily. But Webb points out there are several yoga practices to choose from, you just have to find what works for you and your body.

“Doing yoga will help you physically, mentally and spiritually. If you’re a slow moving person, you may like yin yoga,” says the celebrity coach. “But, if you’re a more active person, consider ashtanga yoga. It’s very fast-paced while also helping you increase your strength and flexibility.”

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