How A Black Cardiologist Plans To Change Your Heart

How A Black Cardiologist Plans To Change Your Heart
heart health
Photo: Mayo Clinic

Caring for our hearts means taking better care of our bodies. Unfortunately, the Back community has suffered immensely from heart disease. A 2018 research study revealed that Back people were 30% more likely to die of the chronic disease than white people. Several factors impact the high rates of heart disease found in the Black population. Some science argues that African Americans suffer from high blood pressure due to a salt-sensitive gene found in our DNA. Others believe that discrimination in the healthcare system has prevented us access to the same health benefits as our white counterparts. 

Unfortunately, doctors have attempted to fight off cases of high blood pressure by treating patients with a laundry list of medications and ineffective pace-makers.

Arguably, those solutions come with even greater health risks. Passively taking medication can even keep us bound to them forever, without ever treating the chronic disease.

Fortunately, Black doctors like Preventive Cardiologist LaPrincess Brewer are making changes to stop the onset of heart disease. 

Brewer, who works in the Mayo Clinic’s Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, has plans to launch her innovative FAITH app that will help combat the chronic disease in Black communities. 

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The Study That Made The FAITH App A Success

Black America has disproportionally been affected by heart disease to the point of what seems like no return. The American Heart Association found that African Americans fall below the belt when it comes to meeting the organization’s “Life’s Simple 7” plan, a system that promotes healthy cardiovascular health. 

Fortunately, the Mayo Clinic’s Preventive Cardiologist, LaPrincess Brewer has developed a piece of technology geared toward changing that narrative. 

Furthermore, her revolutionary FAITH app, which stands for the Mayo Clinic’s program called Fostering African-American Improvement in Total Health, yielded successful results during a 2016 study.

Specifically, 85 African American church members in Minnesota participated in the 10-week study to discover the potentiality of the app. FAITH used several methods to measure heart health, including tracking

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