Kappa Kappa Kappa: Alabama Sorority Boots Putrid President And Musty Member Over Racist Text About “Smelly” Black Women

Kappa Kappa Kappa: Alabama Sorority Boots Putrid President And Musty Member Over Racist Text About “Smelly” Black Women

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A white sorority in ALABAMA? No shock there…

Woman Snacks on Crackers

Source: Grace Cary / Getty

White people still haven’t learned how not to be racist. But not only do they struggle with human decency, but many of them also aren’t even smart enough to not put their bigotry in permanent writing.

Enter, Katherine Anthony and Kylie Klueger (aka KKK). These two soup cookies serve as the President and member of Alpha Phi sorority on the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, respectively. Katherine and Kylie have been booted from their brood of blonde-haired Bama gals after sending an insanely racist text message to their group chat recently according to the school’s newspaper The Crimson White.

While patronizing a local bar, the girls sent the following texts to their friends:

“I’m gonna yack, it smells so bad in here,” Anthony wrote from inside a Tuscaloosa bar. Another member agreed, before Klueger wrote, “cigs, weed and black girl.”

How did these texts become public, you ask? Well, that is an interesting story in itself. Apparently, one of the Alpha Phi members sent a screenshot of the racist message to a Nicki Minaj Stan account on Instagram called @bamabarbz. The account is run by 4 UA students. We can’t confirm that these women are Black but you’d probably win the bet if you put money on it. One of said Onika Stans also happens to work for The Crimson White as a culture and opinion columnist. Talk about easy viral traction.

The sorority posted this message on their Instagram page following the controversy:

“We adamantly condemn this racist behavior and understand we must do more to enforce the shared values of our organization,” the statement read. “We deeply apologize for the racist behavior displayed by the former member and the harm and trauma this text message has caused to members of the Alabama community and the general public. As Alpha Phis, we aim to celebrate diversity and do our part to make Alabama more inclusive. Unfortunately, the recent actions of those affiliated with our organization do not adhere to the standards we hold of our members.”

We don’t believe you! You need more negroes!

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