Michelle Obama Makes Closing Argument Against Donald Trump, Makes Emotional Plea For Voters To Empathize With Black Pain [Video]

Michelle Obama Makes Closing Argument Against Donald Trump, Makes Emotional Plea For Voters To Empathize With Black Pain [Video]
Barack And Michelle Obama Speak At Obama Foundation Summit

Source: Scott Olson / Getty

Michelle Obama is playing NO games with 53% of white women’s president. In a new viral video called “Michelle Obama’s Closing Argument”, the forever First Lady lays it ALL out on the table to see clearly. The lies, the ineptitude, the divisiveness, the malevolence, the indecency, the incompetence, the racism, the bigotry, and all the other disqualifying behaviors that make Donald Trump the wrong human for the job of President of the United States. D

Donald Trump is not fit to be president. Hell, Donald Trump is not fit. How he slept in that lil’ ass hospital bed at Walter Reed we’ll never know but we digress. Point is, he and his basket of deplorables must be vanquished at the polls in less than 30 days. Today, Mrs. Obama made it plain why we must all vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Enough is enough. He might not be everyone’s fave but he can definitely do a better and more humane job of President than anyone with Trump as a surname could.

This clip isn’t exactly short as Donald Trump has a LOT of offenses worth casting light on but we assure you that if you like reads and real talk, then this video is worth every single second of the 24:12.

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