Snowed In? Snow Problem! You Can Still Get Your Exercise!

Snowed In? Snow Problem! You Can Still Get Your Exercise!

Wintertime means having to deal with the elements (snow, rain, ice, and sleet) which can present a challenge if we’re trying to get to the gym. For those die-hard gym-goers, it might not be a big deal. I’ve seen many of them brave the elements and make their way to the gym. They are focused and determined and are not willing to let anything stand in their way.

However, some of us are trying to get on track and/or stay on track, especially throughout the holidays. We don’t need bad weather to throw off our fitness game. That’s why it’s important to have a back-up plan so that there are no excuses.

If you live in an apartment building where there is a gym, then you’re in luck. If there is no gym in your building, you can still get your workout in! If you live in a house, you may want to start picking up a few pieces of equipment to get you through the harsh days of winter. Keep it simple. Here are some staples you can purchase:

-Jump rope
-Resistance bands
-Physioball and/or a medicine ball

Now let’s focus on how you can get your workout in if you don’t have access to a gym. There are a couple of

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