#RHOP: Candiace Cash Bar, Gizelle’s House Decor, Candiace vs. Ashley, Who Got DRAGGED THE WORST This Week?

#RHOP: Candiace Cash Bar, Gizelle’s House Decor, Candiace vs. Ashley, Who Got DRAGGED THE WORST This Week?
Real Housewives of Potomac

Source: Sophe Holland / Bravo

Reality TV is back, America. After being away far too long the good folks at Real Housewives Of Potomac are here to entertain, get messy and get as petty as humanly possible.

The big story now is that in a few weeks, Candiace and Monique are about to have a big physical altercation that will have furniture moving and fists flying. Now we get to enjoy the build up to see how things got this bad.

In the meantime, we had a season premiere full of hilarity. First, there was Gizelle’s new house that looked like the Powerpuff Girls were murdered inside. That made the internet take a look at her fashion and drag that too. Then there was the blow up between Candiace and Ashley, where Candiace went off on Ashley while she was in labor.

But the biggest clowning went to Candiace and her $22,000 first anniversary party that had…A CASH BAR. What?

She tried to defend it with this:

“When you host multiple soirées a year for 100 of your closest friends and family with open bar (as
and I do) I invite you to comment on my cash bar. Until then, drink your Barefoot in your home. Quietly. ”

However, the internet was not having it. They clowned the hell out of her perceived tackiness. Everyone was catching hell this week. Hit the flip to see it all…

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