These Game Show Contestants Didn’t Win The Prize, But They Made Us Laugh

These Game Show Contestants Didn’t Win The Prize, But They Made Us Laugh

Let’s face it, it’s easy to solve the puzzle or come up with the number one answer on your favorite game show when you’re doing it from the comfort of your couch. But when you’re the contestant and the pressure is on, it can be a whole different story. Just ask Tarhea Marshall.

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In a recent episode of “Wheel of Fortune,” Marshall missed out on a chance to drive home in a brand new BMW after flubbing the answer to the puzzle in the bonus round. Given the category “food and drink” and ten seconds to solve, she failed to come up with the five missing letters she needed to complete the puzzle “BAGELS & ___G_N_TS” in time.

But it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying. Tarhea threw out “bagels and beignets,” “bagels and croissants” and “bagels and beignets” again before the buzzer. You could see the look of disappointment on her face when host Pat Sajak revealed the answer he was looking for, “BAGELS & DOUGHNUTS.”

“You know, a lot of shops have stopped spelling it the proper way,” Sajak said. “But there is a U-G-H up there. I’m sorry.”

Although plenty of people are giving her a hard time for missing what they called an “easy” puzzle in the YouTube comments, in Marshall’s defense, even coffee megachain Dunkin’ calls their round, sweet treats “donuts.”

She isn’t the first contestant to give a side eye-worthy answer on a game show and she certainly won’t be the last. Check out some of these memorable game show moments.

WTF? Hose with an H?

With two strikes and the game on the line, this “Family Feud” contestant was confident that someone in the survey said Hose was a boys’ name that starts with the letter H.

Everyone Knows What a “Cupine” Is, Right?

And who could forget the look on Steve Harvey’s face when this hilarious “Family Feud” contestant offered “cupine” as a word that follows “pork.” You know, as in porcupine? He even doubled down and suggested his answer would be number one on the board.

I Mean, Who Actually Looks at the Words When They’re Reading?

When this “Family Feud” contestant was asked for an activity that’s hard to do with your eyes open, he suggested reading as the obvious answer.

Who Doesn’t Love Panda Legs?

And not to be outdone, this contestant answered “panda” for an animal whose legs are featured on a restaurant menu. Because of Panda Express, of course!

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