Houston Chronicle

Source: Houston Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images / Getty

These people will tell you that the left is taking advantage of Black voters while they attempt to disenfranchise Black voters. The height of hypocrisy.

Elections have become more and more important over the past few years and more controversial as well. Each and every vote cast has come under scrutiny in the wake of Donald Trump’s “big lie” that led many Republicans to poison the public discourse regarding whether or not elections are fair.

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According to a new report on ABC News, the Supreme Court of the United States is currently hearing arguments from conservative lawmakers who want to convince the judicial body that their gerrymandered illustration of the 1st Congressional District in South Carolina.

Last year, three federal judges ruled that Republicans had “bleached” the politically valuable district in order to keep Black votes from hitting the ballot box. People in the community like 47-year-old Taiwan Smith see exactly what’s going on and they’re not being quiet about it.

“It’s taking our opportunity to elect a representative away from us,” said Scott, who is a plaintiff in a high court case challenging the constitutionality of the map for the state’s 1st Congressional District, which includes Hilton Head and used to include more Black neighborhoods. “I think it’s deliberate how it was drawn.”

In response to the accusations, Republicans like Charleston County GOP Chairman Andrew Boucher are playing as dumb as Bobby Boucher did in Adam Sandler’s hit flick The Water Boy saying, “I’ve never heard anything like that.” Insert Waka Flocka GIF *here*

“When we move the lines around on a map, not much changes,” Boucher said defending the challenged map. “Charleston is a swing county. It is a red county, but it still has some blue tendencies every now and then.”

They really think we’re stupid.

“There’s no way you can say it wasn’t racial,” contends Brenda Murphy, president of the South Carolina NAACP. “If you look at who’s living and what neighborhoods and how it’s carved out, it’s Black people. If you look at that map, it’s not contiguous. It’s very obvious.”

Considering how conservative the SCOTUS is nowadays with several hand-picked Trump appointees, we will have our eyes trained intently on this outcome of this lawsuit.