6 of Tina Turner’s Greatest Love Songs

6 of Tina Turner’s Greatest Love Songs

Image: Paul Natkin/Getty Images.

Tina Turner had a voice that was one in a million. Her signature rasp and soulful inflections coupled with her immense on-stage persona contributed greatly to her rockstar musical genius.

The “Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll” was indeed a trailblazer in the genre and sung about elements of humanity. Throughout her life, she found moving ways to sing about love and all of its complexities.

What’s love got to do with it? Well, here are six of Tina Turner’s most emotional and iconic love songs that explore her relationship to the “second hand emotion.”

“What’s Love Got To Do With It”

Challenging the conventional love song, Tina Turner posed one of the most infamous questions in popular culture: what’s love got to do with it? The song won three awards at the 1985 Grammys.

“The Best”

With a life well lived, Tina Turner was “simply the best” and was deserving of all the love. This song personified the emotions felt when encountering someone who checks all of your boxes and sets your world on fire.

“River Deep – Mountain High”

“River Deep- Mountain High” is a classic song. Comparing the innocent love of a childhood toy to that of a mature relationship speaks to an intense impact two people may have on one another.

“Addicted To Love”

Tina Turner is one hell of a storyteller. Her songs depict scenarios that so many have gone through but her vocals and the tune’s lyrics make them sound so sultry and riveting. “Addicted To Love” is definitely something that those who have been in love—whether short or long term— can relate to.

Be Tender With Me Baby

We all crave tenderness and understanding in intimate relationships. Turner reminds listeners that it’s okay to be direct with what we ask our significant others for, especially if all we need is a bit of gentleness when we get home.

Whatever You Need

Turner gave her all to achieve her goals as an artist. A mother, lover, actress and performer, she has been whatever we needed her to be.Fortunately, she was able to find a sense of peace and self-security for herself as her life went on.

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