From Mom, With Love: A Portrait & Essay Series featuring Da Brat and Jesseca “Judy” Dupart 

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Da Brat and wife Judy Dupart. Image: Sydney Foster for EBONY Media.

In this touching portrait series, we speak with new moms and moms-to-be about the beauty of motherhood. Here, couple Da Brat and Judy Dupart share their journey. Photographed by Sydney Foster for EBONY Media.

Married couple Da Brat and Jessaca “Judy” Dupart have been very transparent about their current pregnancy journey. The world was shocked to learn that the rapper would be the one carrying their unborn child—which they conceived through a sperm donor. But for them, it was about allowing her to experience the joy and beauty of bearing a child, something Dupart has already had the pleasure to do.

We sat down with the women to learn more about their miraculous journey, the desire to keep trying after an initial miscarriage, and the things they are most looking forward to teaching and instilling in their son.

Read the heartfelt reflections from Da Brat and Judy below:

Da Brat
Da Brat and wife Judy Dupart. Image: Sydney Foster for EBONY Media.

Da Brat on Pregnancy, her Excitement to Create Life with her Wife and More

I initially thought it would be ideal for my wife to carry our child, since she’s done it before. But, after she and I talked about the beautiful experience of carrying life, I realized no love in the world could compare to having a life come from your own body. It’s a miracle that I’m even able to carry a child at 49. I wanted to experience that beauty of motherhood—if God allowed—and what better way to do so than with the love of my life; my soulmate and twin flame. When we first found out that we successfully conceived, I cried ugly tears. I was just so elated; I don’t even know the word—whatever is bigger than grateful.

“If there are women out there that wish to have a child, it’s never too late. Never single yourself out and think that it’s not possible.”

-Da Brat

I’m still a little nervous, but I’m so excited. There will soon be a little one calling me mom; I’ll be breastfeeding and changing diapers—all the things I never imagined I would have the opportunity to do. I really thought that having a baby wasn’t in the cards for me. I truly feel like I have a little miracle drop in my body, this is our rainbow baby. We had a miscarriage previously—and I was very depressed—but I didn’t want to give up or wait until it was too late. I’m so happy that we decided to try again because here I am 29 weeks pregnant.

To the other women out there carrying life, just enjoy the journey and take it all in. All the things that we complain about during the journey will all be worth it once our babies come into the world. I’ve experienced carpal tunnel in both hands, getting hemorrhoids—which I’ve never had—my ankles are swollen, my toes look like Vienna sausages, and it’s hard to breath. But I try not to complain. Luckily, I have my beautiful wife who has been there and helps me through it all.

Da Brat and wife Judy Dupart. Image: Sydney Foster for EBONY Media.

This is such a huge blessing, and I don’t take it for granted. My body is doing something miraculous, and I want God to know that I am grateful. I want our baby to know God and that God is the reason for everything.

Finally, if there are women out there that wish to have a child, it’s never too late. Never single yourself out and think that it’s not possible. Anything is possible with God. Just educate yourself because there is a blessing out there for you, and if you give up you’ll never know if it’s possible or not.

“So many people questioned our decision to let Da Brat carry, but I knew this would be life-changing for her, and she would appreciate all the parts of it—which is what has happened.”

-Jessica “Judy” Dupart

Judy Dupart on Motherhood and Supporting her Wife Through the Journey

Motherhood to me means being the best version of yourself, even when it’s hard, because you have little people counting on you. You give up all selfishness so that your children can be their best selves as well. This time around, things are different for me. I’m at a place now where I’m more informed and have access to better resources. When I had my children, I was 15, 17 and 19; and typically tried to hide my pregnancies. But with this one, I’m older now, and we couldn’t wait to share the news with the world.

During this process, I’ve been intentional on loving on all the different parts of her and just supporting her through it all. I want her to feel as good as she can during this time. I also make sure she feels safe to ask me anything; no question is too crazy. I love watching her enjoy this process. So many people questioned our decision to let Da Brat carry, but I knew this would be life-changing for her, and she would appreciate all the parts of it—which is what has happened.

We look forward to teaching our son that it’s okay to be him. We welcome whatever it is that he decides to be, and we want him to know that he is loved unconditionally. We just want him to be happy being him, and not what the world wants him to be.

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