KKKaren Said What?! Illinois Republican Praises Roe V. Wade Overturn As A ‘Historic Victory For White Life’ During Trump Rally

KKKaren Said What?! Illinois Republican Praises Roe V. Wade Overturn As A ‘Historic Victory For White Life’ During Trump Rally

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In today’s episode of White People Really Be Out Here Telling On Themselves More Than Drill Rappers, Don’t They?an Illinois Republican has become the latest KKKaucasian to turn a Trump rally into a say-the-quiet-part-out-oud-o-thon.

Donald Trump Hosts A Rally In Illinois

Source: Michael B. Thomas / Getty

Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois’ 15th District joined Donald Trump at a rally where she praised the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade, which ends constitutionally protected abortion rights and tells anyone in possession of a uterus that America will guarantee them the right to purchase a firearm but won’t guarantee them control over their own body.

Of course, Miller was unable to sing her praises of the decision without her mental auto-correct kicking in and exposing her racism by calling it a “historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court.”

Now, according to CBS News, Millier’s campaign immediately explained that Miller meant to say it was “a historic victory for right to life by the Supreme Court.”

“Mary stumbles while saying ‘Right to Life’ and the fake news vultures are out,” Miller’s spokesperson, Isaiah Wartman, told CBS.

Yeeeeeeah, nah—she said what she said.

First of all, you can’t just go throwing around the words “fake news” at sh** we all just heard with our own ears. She said “white life” instead of “right to life.” That’s not some common way of misspeaking—she literally subtracted a word to fit “white” in.

She said a specifically racist thing at the kind of event where white nationalism is generally the theme. (Notice the audience heard what she said and applauded her while she also carried on like she said nothing wrong and Trump just grinned that same goofy grin that makes him look like he just figured out his plot to steal Christmas from all the Whos down in Whoville.)

Even if she didn’t mean to say it, she said it because it was in her head to say. See what I’m sayin’?

Not only that, but as reported by MSNBC this is the same KKKaren who quoted Hitler literally on just her second day as a member of Congress.

“The Illinois Republican spoke at a conservative “Save the Republic” rally saying;

“Each generation has the responsibility to teach and train the next generation,” Miller said. “You know, if we win a few elections, we’re still going to be losing, unless we win the hearts and minds of our children. This is the battle. Hitler was right on one thing: He said, ‘Whoever has the youth, has the future.’ Our children are being propagandized.”


She later apologized after her office initially defended the comments.

Donald Trump Hosts A Rally In Illinois

Source: Michael B. Thomas / Getty

We see you, Mary.

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