Dame Dolla Byke: Damian Lillard Drops Surprise EP “Live From the Bubble” [Audio]

Dame Dolla Byke: Damian Lillard Drops Surprise EP “Live From the Bubble” [Audio]
Los Angeles Clippers v Portland Trail Blazers

Source: Pool / Getty

Damian Lillard continues to put on impressive performances night after night inside the NBA’s Orlando bubble. Even off the court, the baller is putting in work, creating and recording enough songs in his hotel room to drop an entire EP.

On Saturday night, just three hours after defeating the Memphis Grizzlies in the Western Conference play-in Game, Damian Lillard–also known as Dame Dolla–released a surprise EP titled Live From the Bubble on SoundCloud.

Live From the Bubble–which is a reference to the “bubble” the ballers are living inside at Orlando’s Walt Disney World in order to stop the spread of COVID-19 within the league–features three songs: “I’m Him,” “They Know,” and “No Punches.”

Back in July, ESPN highlighted the fact that Lillard converted a section of his suite at Disney World into a small recording studio, which is reportedly outfitted with a microphone on a stand, headphones, and a laptop with recording software and audio interface.

Clearly, whatever Dame is doing during his downtime is working for his gameplay. The Portland Trail Blazer’s star point guard was unanimously voted the Most Valuable Player of the remaining seeding games in the NBA restart after averaging a whopping 37.6 points per game over the eight-game span.

If you want to hear what kind of music Lillard made in his hotel room, check out the EP down below:

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