Oxlade Drops New Single ‘DKT (Dis Kind Ting)’

Oxlade Drops New Single ‘DKT (Dis Kind Ting)’

<p><a href=”https://www.okayafrica.com/15-playlists-south-african-artists-for-apple-musics-visionary-women-womens-month/” target=”_self”><strong><em>Listen to 15 Playlists by South African Artists and Personalities for Apple Music‘s ‘Visonary Women’ Campaign</em></strong></a><br></p><p>The sensational trap-soul songstress shot to fame with “You are the One” which brought the heat on Apple Music charts in 2019. The single <a href=”https://www.okayafrica.com/elaine-breaks-down-youre-the-one-apple-music/” target=”_self”>went viral</a> and saw a <a href=”https://www.okayafrica.com/loyiso-gijana-elaine-cover-viral/” target=”_self”>piano cover by soulful artist <strong>Loyiso Gijana</strong></a>. The evocative <a href=”https://www.okayafrica.com/elaine-youre-the-one-music-video/” target=”_self”>”You are the one” music video</a> dropped in April of this year with crisp visuals celebrating Black girls and a twist on 90s’ aesthetics. The highly-anticipated song carried visuals that <a href=”https://www.okayafrica.com/elaine-youre-the-one-music-video/”>captured the intimacy between Elaine and her lover.</a></p><p>”My EP,<em> Elements, </em>means so much to me,” Elaine explains in an interview. She goes on to add that, “I gave it all my love and passion, and to receive it tenfold from those who love and appreciate me and my music, is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. I am grateful, humbled and excited for the future. Thank you to every shining star that has been streaming my project, and thank you Apple Music for your love and constant support!” </p><p><div class=”preroll-video”></div><ora-player></ora-player></p><p>At the beginning of lockdown, Elaine shared her <a href=”https://www.okayafrica.com/african-artists-apple-music-playlists-lockdown/” target=”_self”>’At Home With’ playlist</a> for fans to cope with the blues of being cooped up indoors. Her curation is filled with mood-shifting music that’ll have you feeling that everything will work out just fine.</p><p>Stream <em>Elements on </em><strong>Apple Music</strong>: </p><div class=”rm-embed embed-media”><iframe allow=”autoplay *; encrypted-media *;” frameborder=”0″ height=”450″ sandbox=”allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” src=”https://embed.music.apple.com/za/album/elements/1481660085″ style=”width:100%;max-width:660px;overflow:hidden;background:transparent;”></iframe></div><p>Stream <em>Elements on </em><strong>Spotify</strong>.<br></p> <iframe src=”https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:album:4qe0NJuKzO5iWPv1aFl3l3″ id=”09fc6″ frameborder=”0″ class=”rm-shortcode” data-rm-shortcode-id=”5704a17db1b237998fc4443d3d73c911″ expand=”1″ height=”480″ width=”100%”></iframe> <p><br></p><p><strong><em>Top Mzansi (South African) Female Artists of 2020:</em></strong> </p><p>1. Elaine </p><p>2. Sha Sha </p><p>3. Lebo Sekgobela </p><p>4. Amanda Black </p><p>5. Ami Faku </p><p>6. Zonke Dikana </p><p><div class=”dfp_atf-slot” data-not-loaded=”true”></div><script type=”text/javascript”> checkdfpScripts();
</script></p><p>7. Bucy Radebe </p><p>8. Demi Lee Moore </p><p>9. Ntokozo Mbambo </p><p>10. Simmy </p><p><br></p><p><strong><em>Top Mzansi (South African) Female Albums of 2020:</em></strong> </p><p>1. <em>Elements </em>by Elaine </p><p>2. <em>Blossom EP</em> by Sha Sha </p><p>3. <em>Imali</em> by Ami Faku </p><p>4. <em>Power</em> by Amanda Black </p><p>5. <em>Spiritual Encounter</em> by Busy Radebe </p><p>6. <em>Country</em> by Demi Lee Moore </p><p>7. <em>Restored (Live)</em> by Lebo Sekgobela </p><p>8. <em>Tugela Fairy</em> by Simmy </p><p>9. <em>L.O.V.E.</em> by Zonke Dikana </p><p>10. <em>Hymns &amp; Worship (Live)</em> by Lebo Sekgobela </p><p><br></p><p><strong><em>Top Mzansi (South African) Female Singles of 2020:</em></strong> </p><p>1. “You’re The One” by Elaine </p><p>2. “Risky” by Elaine </p><p>3. “Tender Love (feat. DJ Maphorisa &amp; Kabza De Small)” by Sha Sha </p><p>4. “Umlilo (feat. Mvzzle &amp; Rethabile)” by DJ Zinhle </p><p>5. “Changes” by Elaine </p><p>6. “I/You” by Elaine</p><p>7. “When We’re Alone” by Elaine </p><p>8. “Say It” by Elaine</p><p>9. “I Just Wanna Know” by Elaine</p><p>10. “Uzugcin’impilo Yam'” by Bucy Radebe</p>

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