Best Selling Author’s New Release, “Black States of America – Real Black Power,” is Perfect Merger of History and SciFi

Best Selling Author’s New Release, “Black States of America – Real Black Power,” is Perfect Merger of History and SciFi

Black States of America by d.E. Rogers

San Francisco, CA — When history and science fiction merge, anything is possible. Especially if it comes from the pen of eight-time bestselling author, d. E. Rogers. And with the release of his new novel, Black States of America – Real Black Power, he may have even outdone himself. The novel is available to the world today.

Black States of America is an action-packed, edge-of-your-seat adventure that begins at Ford’s Theater on the fateful night in 1865 when President Abraham Lincoln was to be assassinated. Yet in Rogers’ version of events, a former slave and scientist come to visit President Lincoln via a black hole to an alternate universe. Their visit interrupts Booth’s assassination plans and Lincoln survives. And that is just the opening sequence.

Yet as readers are drawn into the tale that spans two worlds and encompasses scenes of terror, intrigue, sorrow, and hope, it also provides reason for pause. And that is exactly what the author intended.

“I love to put readers right in the middle of the story by creating characters they can relate to and see a glimpse of themselves in,” explained Rogers, who hails originally from South Bend, Indiana. “My readers connect with my books because they see parts of themselves in the vivid characters I create. With Black States of America, I want people to be so engrossed in the book that when they finish, they can’t help but think back on the original premise and wonder what the country would be today if Lincoln had lived and how that might have affected Black lives.”

His ability to do just that is at the heart of his award-winning career that has seen his books top the bestseller lists time and again, along with directing roles for several short films. His previous novels include White Lie, Color Line, Just Like Your Daddy, I Know She Didn’t, Crossing Color Lines, Counterfeit Friends, Forgetting U Existed, The Dark Side of Money, Dethroned, Dynasty, and Innocent Crook. Rogers holds his Bachelor’s in telecommunications management and production from Purdue University and MBA from Bethel University. He also attended the University of Notre Dame for executive leadership and management and the New York Film Academy for film production.

For more information about d. E. Rogers, go to or @therealderogers on Facebook and Twitter. Get your copy of Black States of America – Real Black Power on Amazon

For press inquiries, contact d. E. Rogers at

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