Video Captures Virginia Man Yelling The N-Word & Spitting At Version Employees  

Video Captures Virginia Man Yelling The N-Word & Spitting At Version Employees  

A video captured a Virginia man spewing racial slurs and expletives toward Version store employees. The incident took place on July 15th when the man identified as Robert Colonna was outraged when he claimed the phone he purchased from the Stafford, Virginia store was overpriced and wasn’t working properly.

Percell Wright an employee posted the video on Facebook. In the caption, Wright alleged Colonna of attacking him while he was assisting another customer.

“[Colonna] assaulted me before entering store throwing phones inside store then picking them up leaving the store claiming he had something else for us,” he wrote.

“I IMMEDIATELY locked the door behind him. PLEASE help me get him FIRED. He used racial slurs and spit at me. I know his name is Robert,” the caption continued. “Robert initially pulled up to store in a company truck making a hard stop in front of store before jumping out and assaulting me while I was holding door for elderly man.”

Colonna told Wright the employee in the video to “put me on TV” before he complained about the company’s prices and spat on the door. Colonna grabbed a box on the ground and paced around the parking lot before he continued to rant and called his target a “f—–g n—-r.”

The man threw the box at the store’s glass window and banged it on the door while yelling at Wright and his co-worker. Colonna repeatedly pulled on the locked door and even ran toward it as if he were going to force his way in. The police would later arrive at the scene. Wright said, Colonna was charged with disorderly conduct. A police report was obtained by TMZ confirmed the arrest and charge.

The video has been circulating across social media and one viewer said:  “Dude, I’m very sorry that you had to go through this. And by this, I mean the psychotic guy and the cop that treated him as if he were a sane choir boy. To me, the latter was worse than the former as I know how this would have turned out if there were no cameras. He wouldn’t have been charged at all.”

“Another example of what happens when they lose their privilege…. yet, their lives are spared,” an observer pointed out.

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