Beard Lives Matter? James Harden Placed Under Twitizens Arrest After Allegedly Rockin’ “Thin Blue Line” Face Mask

Beard Lives Matter? James Harden Placed Under Twitizens Arrest After Allegedly Rockin’ “Thin Blue Line” Face Mask
Minnesota Timberwolves v Houston Rockets

Source: Tim Warner / Getty

The NBA bubble hasn’t been active for two whole weeks yet and it’s already a clusterf**k of epic proportions. Players are snitchin’ on each other, trying to fly thotties out, and leaving the property to get food. Just put the whole damn plan in rice.

One violation that we didn’t have on our NBA bubble bingo card was James Harden appearing to side with the police when it comes to the fashion sense that he loves to put on display.

Minnesota Timberwolves v Houston Rockets

Source: Tim Warner / Getty

Yesterday, NBA Twitter was in turmoil as photos of the Houston Rockets star appeared online showing him wearing a face mask of a skeleton face overlayed with an American flag that had the “thin blue line” the represents the police department.

Now, to be clear, we’re almost positive that James simply put on a mask that he thought looked badass and had no idea what the symbolism was. Hell, many of y’all reading this right now had no idea about the symbolism of the thin blue line. James took a moment to clean up on aisle 6…

…but, as things typically go on social media, no one cares about the truth when the lie is far more entertaining.

Thus, the jokes rained down from the heavens…

Things got SO crazy that, wait for it…YOUNG THUG had to intervene and tie on his cape for his homie James.

THAT wasn’t on our bingo card either. As you might imagine, saying that James Harden doesn’t have access to the internet sparked a whole ‘nother round of jokes.

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