Run The “Jewels”: Supreme Court Rules That Devious Donald Trump MUST Give Tax Returns To Stormy Daniels Prosecutors

Run The “Jewels”: Supreme Court Rules That Devious Donald Trump MUST Give Tax Returns To Stormy Daniels Prosecutors
Donald Trump Stormy Daniels

Source: JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images/Ethan Mill / Getty

If Donald Trump thought that the Stormy Daniels saga was behind him, he’s got another think comin’. If 53% of white women’s president thinks that he’s put the Supreme Court in his pocket to get favorable outcomes, then the joke’s on him twice.

Today, the highest ruling body in the United States of America decreed that Donald, the man who has been running scared of sharing his likely-crooked tax returns for years, now MUST give them up to the prosecutors who are investigating the hush money that Stormy Daniels was given to STFU about her affair with him.

According to the NYTimes, the court, in a vote of 7-2, decided that the paperwork must be relinquished but will likely be protected from public view. Two of the judges that Trump appointed, Gorsuch and the controversial Kavanaugh, both voted against their zaddy-in-chief. In a separate ruling, the court decided that Congress may not see those documents.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. made it plain saying that, “no citizen, not even the president, is categorically above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding.”

Trump’s response?

Aw, poor thang.

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