Funniest, Wildest & Craziest Twitter Voice Tweets (So Far)

Funniest, Wildest & Craziest Twitter Voice Tweets (So Far)

Everyone’s going crazyyy over Twitter‘s shiny new feature that allows users to tweet a voice recording onto their feed (no, seriously) in the latest buzzy upgrade from the most innovative (for better or worse) social network on Beyoncé’s internet.

Oh yes, it’s LIT and already has stars like Cardi joining in on the fun by sending personal messages to fans amidst all the civil unrest, political corruption, COVID anxiety and white people finally discovering systemic racism.

Now, if you don’t have the feature on your app or desktop yet just be patient and it should update soon. Well, everybody except people Baltimore (haaa just kidding).

Peep the funniest, wildest and craziest Twitter voice tweets on the flip.

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