Tyler Perry is Working on a Creative, But Safe Way to Re-Open His Studios in Atlanta

Tyler Perry is Working on a Creative, But Safe Way to Re-Open His Studios in Atlanta
Tyler Perry on set at his studios

Filmmaker Tyler Perry says that he is very much concerned about the health and safety of the public, but he also understands that people need jobs rights now. For this reason, TMZ reports that he is working on a very unique strategy that will allow cast and crew to continue filming at his Atlanta-based studios during the coronavirus pandemic.
His idea is to allow productions to go on, but with strict health precautions and protocol. Apparently, actors and film crew will be tested for the virus before checking in on the first day of filming. Those who test negative will be able to enter the studio’s 330-acre campus, but will be required to stay there during the entire production – which could take days or even up to 3 weeks.

Those on-site would be able to live in about 40 historic houses that already exist, but Perry is also reportedly considering the idea of building a few hotels on his property.

Residents on the studio’s campus would have access to a gym, a bar, several restaurants, and even a hospital that was originally built for filming, but can easily be converted into a real hospital just in case someone gets sick. That’s right; Perry is planning on having real doctors and nurses on-site!

His plan is to start first with his very own productions for his six TV shows, and he reportedly is even willing to pay his workers extra for having to deal with the unusual circumstances.

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