jessica care moore’s “We Want Our Bodies Back” is brilliant, healing for women

jessica care moore’s “We Want Our Bodies Back” is brilliant, healing for women

It starts the moment that she hits the stage, as the stage erupts with truth, truth, and more truth, wailing throughout the entire auditorium.

“Look at my daddy and that white suit, with his big black Cadillac,” jessica care moore says while on stage, in front of a mostly-white crowd. She then declares “I will sell and publish my books and there’s some out front. You can buy some, but if not, they will sell, and I’ll sell them anyway.”

Moore is an American poet, the CEO of Moore Black Press, executive producer of Black WOMEN Rock!, and the founder of the literacy-driven Jess Care Moore Foundation. She recently penned the book of poems, We Want Our Bodies Back, where she urges Black women to demand better from men. She wants them to understand that historically, Black women’s bodies and minds have been stolen, taken away, abused, molested, and filled with shenanigans from men close to us, including friends, co-workers, uncles, and fathers, and yet we still rise.

April marks the beginning of National Poetry Month, as well as National Minority Health Month, which is a month-long initiative to advance health equity across the country on behalf of all racial and ethnic minorities. Moore believes that both poetry and minority health allows one to heal. She wants Black women to look at how their mental, physical and spiritual health collide with the spirits. She wants readers to acknowledge that women such as Sandra Bland, was a queen of a nation of true speakers.

Moore’s new book is dedicated to Sandra Bland and women everywhere who desire to simply “…want our bodies back.”

Press play to check out Moore’s interview below, where she discusses her book, women taking control of their own bodies, police brutality, and much more.

Porsha Monique

Porsha Monique

Media Maven. Celebrity Interviewer. Entertainment Journalist. Social Influencer. Passionate Writer. Follow my journey on FB @PorshaMonique and IG @iAmPorshaMonique

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