Is it Coronavirus, The Flu, A Cold or Allergies? Here’s How to Tell

Is it Coronavirus, The Flu, A Cold or Allergies? Here’s How to Tell

If the coronavirus wasn’t enough, it’s also cold and flu season. AND…if that wasn’t enough, we are also going into allergy season (it’s a lot, I know). But don’t worry, while some of the symptoms of all four are similar, each one has distinct qualities to figure out which infection you may have. Details for each are listed below:

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is a new strain of coronavirus not previously seen in humans that is spreading quickly worldwide. Four other strains of coronavirus are actually very common and usually only cause mild symptoms (like the common cold). However, some strains, like COVID-19, can cause severe illness in certain groups. For example, older people and people of all ages with severe underlying health conditions — like heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes, for example — seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness. There’s currently no cure or vaccine for COVID-19.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can include:

– Fever and/or chills
– Cough (usually dry)
– Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
– Tiredness (sometimes)
– Aches and pains (sometimes)
– Headaches (sometimes)
– Sore throat (sometimes)
*Upper respiratory symptoms, like runny nose and sinus congestion, are very uncommon in COVID-19.

The severity of COVID-19 symptoms ranges from mild to severe. If you’ve had recent close contact with a COVID-19 patient or you’ve traveled recently to an area where COVID-19 is active, it may be more likely that your symptoms are due to COVID-19. If you suspect you have COVID-19, call Intermountain Healthcare’s 24-hour hotline, Health Answers, at 844-442-5224. If your symptoms are mild you will likely be directed to stay home to protect others from illness and follow the CDC’s recommended guidance for self-care. If you’re referred to a medical facility, remember to call ahead and let them know your symptoms before you go in.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies range from mild to severe and occur seasonally. The most common include:

– sneezing
– runny or stuffy nose
– watery and itchy eyes
– itchy sinuses, throat, or ear canals
– ear congestion
– postnasal drainage
– Less Common Symptoms Include:
– headache
– shortness of breath
– wheezing
– coughing

Allergies are caused by a response in the immune system and are not contagious. Medications can treat your symptoms, and immunotherapy can help those with allergies find relief.

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While you may feel miserable when you have a cold, the symptoms are generally mild compared to more aggressive viruses like the flu. A cold can cause any or all of these…

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