Iowa Caucus Calamity: Vote Totals Delayed After Inconsistencies, Pete Buttigieg #MayorCheatly Claims Victory

Iowa Caucus Calamity: Vote Totals Delayed After Inconsistencies, Pete Buttigieg #MayorCheatly Claims Victory
Pete Buttigieg Campaigns in Des Moines, US - 03 Feb 2020

Source: Barcroft Media / Getty

Iowa Caucus Calamity: Vote Totals Delayed After Inconsistencies

There’s a new trending topic on Twitter and it’s tied to Mayor Pete Buttigieg and that calamity with the Iowa Caucus.

There’s chaos in Iowa right now considering that the Democratic Party’s caucus results have been deemed “inconsistent” after discrepancies with a voting app. Still, the IDP is stressing that there was no “hack” or “intrusion” with the app but people, of course, are skeptical.

“We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results,” the Iowa Democratic Party said in a statement at 11:30 p.m. EST. “In addition to the tech systems being used to tabulate results, we are also using photos of results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report. This is simply a reporting issue. The app did not go down and this is not a hack or an intrusion. The underlying data and paper trail is sound and will simply take time to further report the results.”

Still, despite there being no actual results, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg gave a rousing speech early Tuesday declaring victory and saying that his supporters will “shock the nation.”


“What a night. Because tonight, an improbable hope became an undeniable reality,” Buttigieg told his supporters Monday night in Des Moines, Iowa.

“So we don’t know all the results, but we know by the time, it’s all said and done, Iowa you have shocked the nation. Because by all indications, we are going on to New Hampshire victorious.”

The Mayor’s Speech spurned a hashtag; #MayorCheat and folks are clowning him for seemingly jumping the gun.

Also, Mayor Pete KNOWS you’ve been calling him #MayorCheat and he defended himself on CBS This Morning saying that he’s standing by what he said and a paper process will verify his victory.

“Looking at what happened last night, looking at all of the data that we’ve got, it was an extraordinary night,” Buttigieg said.

“We are absolutely victorious coming into New Hampshire. This is a campaign that when we launched a year ago, people said, ‘You’re not a senator. You’re not a national name. What business does somebody from a mid-sized city in the middle of the country have running for president?’ Said ‘we shouldn’t even be here.’ And now, here we are, in the position that we are in, coming into New Hampshire for what we think will be another historic night, a week from today.”


This whole Iowa Caucus calamity eerily feels like an episode of “Scandal.” WHERE IS SHONDA RHIMES?!?!

Who do YOU think won the Iowa Caucus and what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes???

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