‘Sensational’: Tommie Lee ‘Goes Savage’ on Social Media with Super Sexy Lingerie Pic

‘Sensational’: Tommie Lee ‘Goes Savage’ on Social Media with Super Sexy Lingerie Pic

Former “Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta” star Tommie Lee uploaded two personal photos to Instagram on Tuesday, Jan. 14 — a post that quickly drew almost 2,500 comments.

“Better Go savage if I let you in, or you may Not see me again!” wrote Lee in the post.

@tommiee_ Instagram

The photos show her in pink lingerie standing on a balcony. One image is a close-up shot, the other is nearly full-body, and it shows Lee looking off into the distance.

The upload has been liked over 165,000 times so far.

“Sensational!! you’re so gorgeous to me, love your drive, your music (bars and voice are killa) don’t change a thing about you or we gone fight lol lol,” wrote one of her Instagram followers.

“Baddest ting LHH has eva eva eva seen ??????, wrote another fan.

“You look like money baby,” someone else commented.

“I love looking at your pictures and say wowwww she came a long way ? keep up the good work I hope one day I can meet u ???@tommiee_ ???,” a fourth person wanted Lee to know.

As far as the reactions to her Instagram posts go, Lee has closed out 2019 with a bang and she’s off with a bang at the start of 2020.

That’s because on Dec. 26, the 35-year-old Lee posted a picture of herself in a black gown that people said they loved. Then on New Year’s Day, she uploaded an image of herself kneeling over that caused a big fuss.

People also had a lot of kind things to say underneath a photo that Lee posted on Jan. 9 that showed her in a blue two-piece outfit and white furry boots.

In the comments of the pink lingerie photo, the kind words keep coming in and so do the flirtatious messages.

@tommiee_ Instagram Link to original source

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