Lines Drawn: Antonio Brown Gets Dropped By His Agent Until He Seeks Professional Help

Lines Drawn: Antonio Brown Gets Dropped By His Agent Until He Seeks Professional Help
New England Patriots Arrive at Hard Rock Stadium

Source: Boston Globe / Getty

Antonio Brown Dropped By Agent Until He Seeks Medical Help

Antonio Brown has been the subject of more bad headlines in the last few months than any other athlete or brand that comes in recent history–from losing jobs, to losing millions, and now he’s losing his agent.

Agent Drew Rosenhaus has been by AB’s side through his recent turmoil. He was right there with the baller as he made the switch between three different teams and a potential Saints signing that never ended up happening. Even more recently, he’s been the go-to guy in talks for a potential boxing match between Brown and Youtube star Logan Paul. But now, Rosenhaus has officially drawn a line in the sand stating that he will not continue to be AB’s agent until he seeks some sort of professional help.

It’s one thing when your client’s actions are in headlines without too much tangible proof, but that’s not the case with Antonio Brown. When it comes to AB, tabloids have nothing but proof, since AB decided to live-stream himself yelling at the mother of his children and throwing a bag of d*cks at her.

At some point, after putting up with all these shenanigans, you have to push for a person to get help. Drew also represents stars like Tyreek Hill and Rob Gronkowski and having a client like Brown has to take up a lot of your time besides just being bad for one’s reputation.

Hopefully, Antonio Brown takes this advice from his camp seriously and gets the help the ones around him are begging for. Everyone loves a good redemption story, and after all of his recent antics, AB is the perfect candidate.

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