Ho Sit Down: Judge Tosses Salty Soup Cookie’s Lil’ Bull$#!t Azz Lawsuit Against Ava Duvernay

Ho Sit Down: Judge Tosses Salty Soup Cookie’s Lil’ Bull$#!t Azz Lawsuit Against Ava Duvernay
Justice Scales and wooden gavel. Justice concept

Source: naruecha jenthaisong / Getty

F**k Linda Fairstein. Let’s get that out the way off top.

Last week BOSSIP reported that the company that is partly responsible for ruining the lives of Kevin Richardson Raymond Santana, Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, and Korey Wise, attempted to sue queen Ava Duvernay for her rightful criticism of “The Reid Technique” that police employed to force rape confession out of the teenagers.

According to Shadow And Act, the suit filed by John E. Reid and Associates, the company who developed the panned law enforcement technique, was dropped by a judge who summarily dismissed any level of credibility the that the firm thought they had:

“If the technique is as widely used as Reid says it is, the effect of the criticism has been felt well beyond Illinois’s borders. To find that DuVernay should be haled into court here because she criticized a process sold by a company that happens to be located in Illinois would be to offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice,” reads the ruling.

The idea behind the practice is to feed evidence to suspects that gives them knowledge of a crime that they normally wouldn’t even know about. Then, extract confessions of crimes that they never committed. You see this play out in Netflix’s lauded series When The See Us.

F**k John E. Reid and his associates as a staff, a crew, and a muthaf***kin’ label.

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