Categories: Education

Debt Free College Degree – Are You Serious or Are You Just Playing Around?

Do you know the one trait that separates the students who graduate with a mountain of debt compared to those who graduate debt free? If you want more college scholarships and grants while avoiding the most basic college funding mistakes that stop most students and parents dead in their tracks, read this immediately.

After years of watching thousands of students successfully and unsuccessfully navigate the confusing world of college financial aid, it seems that not a day goes by that someone doesn’t express to me a secret desire they have to change their life in some way.

Maybe they want to lose weight. Perhaps they want to make a dramatic career change.

Or as is most often the case with me, it is a parent talking about how they wish their son or daughter could graduate from college debt free. Without fail I will always follow-up their vision of fantasy island with a direct question.

“Are You Serious or Are You Just Playing Around?”

Some are shocked when I ask this question because they have become use to others celebrating their desire without pushing them to perspire. Let me say that again…

“they have become use to others celebrating their desire without pushing them to perspire.”

When you look up “perspire” in the dictionary, it reads “give out sweat through the pores of the skin as the result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.” If you are reading this post you are a person that genuinely desires a better financial life for your child. You know a college education is one of the first steps to making sure this happens.

You also know that if you are not careful, they could find themselves in a life that is riddled with a mountain of debt.

But what about you…

Are you a talker or a doer?

Can you explain your dream better than you can describe your plan of action?

If someone close to you were observing your every move, could they clearly tell what you are aiming for or would they need to have you explain it to them to understand?

When you are fully committed and are serious, your actions need no explanation. It becomes very clear what your goal is. This is why Profit From College home study course was created. To provide the ultimate common sense college funding resource available.

So my question to you is very simple, “Are you serious or are you just playing around.”

Udoyou News

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Udoyou News

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